It was 9:00am and I was slightly on pins and needles. They were scheduled to arrive at 11 and my lady baby refused to let me put her down. I needed to start making waffles, crafting last minute glittery confetti and I inched over to the window to find pretty powdery snowflakes approaching the dark pavement at a very fast pace. The snow was steady falling and I was in the kitchen juggling the preparation of breakfast meats and waffle toppings while BH cleaned the bathroom and cleared the driveway for my pretty girls arrivals. I double checked all the details. I walked to the front door, and turned 180 degrees to get a picture of what they would see as they entered my living room. I was satisfied.

I am beyond excited to be able to write up this post. One of the things I have on my list of 31 things to a 31 year old me was…..

#18. In my mind I find any reason to celebrate with cake and party favors. From major holidays and birthday weeks to tv show premiers, award shows. I am about that life. Problem is, I can be anti social, I'm always "too tired" or want things "too perfect" and let my celebration ideas slip away. I plan to change that.

and twoSaturdays ago, I did just that. I found a reason, and I celebrated. I hosted a vision board party for four amazing lady friends of mine. We laughed. I may or may not have cried. And we shared little bits of our vision for 2014. 

One of the things that I loved the most about planning this little party was how much I allowed the pressure to be off. Instead of feeling the need to create every little thing myself, I chose to let all the talented people that I come across browsing pretty blogs, websites and countless Pinterest boards, help me along the way. This is, also, another check on my 31 things list...

#9. I do not believe in reinventing the wheel. I just wanna love life rolling with it. I plan on filling my life with stuff I love from the inspiration of this wonderful world of web. And I plan on linking back heavily and shouting out whatever source I may have gathered the inspiration from.

By golly, I think I am on a roll this fine January of 2014!!! And, oh what a pretty, big, little impact a few awesome printables and a lotta extra silver glitter can have on a party planned in less than 5 short days. SO, BOOM!!! 


New Years Tags & Flags: http://www.iheartnaptime.net/new-years-printable/

Best Year Yet Printable: http://www.creatingreallyawesomefreethings.com/new-years-eve-printable/

Happy New Year Bookmark: http://www.bestdayever.fi/free-sparkler-backers/

Party Hat Printable: http://pagingsupermom.com/?attachment_id=6965

From Syreena, With Love


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