" I am convinced that God has built into all of us an appreciation of beauty and has even allowed us to participate in the creation of beautiful things and places. It may be one way God brings healing to our brokenness, and a way that we can contribute toward bringing wholeness to our fallen world."   ~ Mary Jane Worden

i love this quote soo very much. i actually barely have words that describe just how much i love it. i found it on page of a devotional journal that was given to me by a family member. and lately i can't seem to get it out of my head. i am finishing up lesson plans in the quiet of the evening as the kids have finally drifted off to sleep. i am trying to make a habit of opening up my laptop, disciplining myself to stay off of social media, and forcing myself to stare at a page of the notes app on my computer until the words start to flow. i normally scroll through blogs and social media sites while i zone out and daydream about all the things that i wish i could do, places i would love to go, people i would like to meet and things that i would like design/make/create. but instead of spending the next hour doing what i normally do, i would rather just start doing it. being a doer is hard. its so much easier to just think and daydream about all of the things that you want in and out of life. especially when you have a lot of obstacles in the way. last saturday night i was thinking about all of the ideas that have passed through my mind over the last several years. it really made me think of a quote that i read a little bit ago saying, “ideas are easy, execution is everything”. it is so very true. so so very true. i wouldn’t be able to count all of the really good ideas that i have had over the years. but the fact that matters is that they have never gone anywhere. some of my ideas have made it through conception and then up until the launching phase, but never made it quite through. 

lately i have felt “stuck” in life. things have been good. God is good. trials have been tough and things have been hard... but good. i kept feeling frustrated and guilty for feeling so frustrated. and for what? i wanted my family. i wanted to be home with them. i decided to stick to our decision to homeschool our babies. these were all things that i chose. and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. was i being ME. was i being who God created me to be. I bring something special to the table and am i actually using those special things to add to this life of mine? who says staying at home and homeschool has to look a certain way? what should it look like for me? God’s masterpiece me? 

my head starting spinning with ideas that i could barely keep up with. well, how does this all make sense Lord? it feels so very all over the place. i sat down on the sofa with a sketchbook, a pen, and my laptop and starting writing out and drawing up my thoughts and ideas. i wrote out, and listed, the things that i am passionate about, the things that God has been teaching me over the last few years etc. i took a moment to rest my mind from all of the thoughts and ideas and ended up stumbling across a blog post laying out the details of how he started a t-shirt business from start to finish in 24 hours. it was less about his ultimate vision and more about the need to simply create something from start to “finish”. i was inspired. the plan was to simply create. 

i dug out all of my sketchbooks, journals and notebooks and challenged myself to begin, overcome perfectionism and strive for DONE. these were the very moments that theFallCo. was created and established and i am so excited to share more. 

my little lady snuck in every few minutes or so to pass out kisses and help me design. she is such a joy. 

from syreena, with love

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