{LIFE & LOVE THROUGH THE 4x5, 11.30.16...}

well, i haven't done a life & love post in a while and its well overdue. i ,actually, haven't been taking as many photos with my phone lately as it seems I've traded it in for  my "big" camera a lot these days. i still always end up with lots of gems that bring back such beautiful memories. memories of moments full of joy and laughter and even memories of all the "hot mess" moments that i am just glad i have picture proof that i made it through, lol.

tomorrow will officially be the first of december, the last month of 2016 and it seems so crazy to say. this year has FLOWN by and i must say that i am glad to see it go :) here are just a few things that i would like to remember from the last couple of months...

1. i decided to do a better job caring for my hair which has meant a couple of homeschool mornings at the salon with mommy. 

2. cams soccer season came and went and although i love to see my baby play, sunday afternoon travel soccer games are for the birds. after every game i would ask him if he did his best and if he had fun. the answers were always yes, yes and I'm grateful for that. he did tend to fall a lot on the field and it was so hilariously painful to watch. heading off to a game i heard his sister say to her big brother, "don't fall this time, ok"! that girl :))))

3. morning. snapchat. selfies. FAMILY FUN!

4. regular trips to the library to return mounds of books, such a fun walk just a few steps outside of our front door. 

5. date night selfies with my dear husband.

6. another year of walking for  a cure for juvenile diabetes with our dear christian.

just a little life & love through the 4x5...

from syreena, with love