im gonna be honest. i almost NEVER feel like i had a successful homeschool day!!! i always feel like i could be doing something better or that i haven't done enough. i'm working on that. i want to become more confident in myself as a homeschool mom and one of the ways i plan on doing that is to take the extra step to document more of our everyday homeschool. not in the form of tips/how to's, but more from a place of "this is what we did today/this is what we tried/this is what didn't work" type of deal. i created a section at the top navigation of this blog called HOMESCHOOL to house most of my homeschool post. i hope this will make for easy reference to help remind me of what worked and the progress we make.  and, if your interested, you can find all of my post labeled with the homeschool tag HERE! 

i am really looking forward to keeping more of a diary/photo/video journal of some of our homeschool happening.

these are a few photos from our first day of geography study. we are really excited to dive into exploring different parts of the world, myself in particular. i have been in full on travel mode lately, and it is always a good thing to combine my current interest with their studies. its a win, wi n!

she's been really into HOT DOTS lately. they have been a great way for her to explore more independent learning. 

i also want to start posting more videos about our little homeschool as well, and i tried my hand at getting over my awkwardness to film a quick sit-down video about a few new things we picked up for school. {watch below, if you wish :}

from syreena, with love