
a few weeks ago, we headed out to spend time with tia, tio and our newest little baby cakes, wesley micah. sorting out feeding & sleeping schedules was just what I needed to get a quick baby fix for a couple of weeks. unfortunately, our wessa started off with a bit of pink eye that we think grew into a little viral infection. it was my hearts joy to spend sleepless 😴 nights up with him, to help fold clothes, to prepare dinner some days and be there to walk them through all the emotions that tend to flood in with this new life as mom&dad.

it was exhausting, but in the best of ways. these first few months fly by so quickly. before you know it, they are walking, talking and asking you for juice :)


i'm writing here because i know that YOU are reading (tia/tio). i know that the days are passing by way too fast and your baby boy is growing quicker than you can soak it all in. so, i hope these help 📸. these photos of your baby just a few weeks ago. photos that somehow make the time slow down a bit. in between eye drops and diaper changes we had a little fun. we took a few moments to have a quick photo shoot and surprise you when you thought the whole 3 months passed by without one photo for you to keep. 😉


he (wessa) let me know, personally, that he thinks you guys are doing an incredible job. that you've made his first few months here on earth so exciting and so full of love. he told me that his all time favorites are his special bath times with his mommy and when he gets to wear his green bay packer shoes and hang out with his dad. he also wanted me to tell you that those couple of times you had to take him to the doctor to check on him.... he's so happy you always make sure everything is going a. ok. 


when we left, my life w/four turned back into a life w/three but we are so excited to come back and do it all again 😘

from auntie reena, with love