there’s so much i’d like to write on this topic and I have no idea where i should begin. all i know is that I want to help my children build healthy habits around health + fitness and i’d love to set an example as a whole family unit. there are so many resources out there. i’ve tabbed fitness program after fitness program, exercise plans, accountability groups, gathered nutrition texts, books, articles and so much more. Even still, no substitute for the decision to start and the discipline to keep going… so here we are.

generally speaking, we are a healthy family with moderately healthy habits BUT my intention lies in making sure that it remains that way as our lives become more full of activity’s and adventures along the way. as there is a pull for meals to become ‘more convienent’ and our increasing sedentary moments fly under the radar, establishing stronger foundational habits will be key. we first started by building a healthier night routine which makes what happens next all the more realistic in our days. and now that we have a solid handle on that step toward our goal, the next one is to commit to JUST MOVE!!!

so, here’s the plan… carving out three to four different spots/opportunities in our day to meet our move daily goal //

1- early a.m. bike or walk

2- morning family workout

3- afternoon run before practices

4- evening cool down/ yoga just before our bedtime routine

if we can make it through at least one/day we can check it off as a win.

Another important component in this wellness journey of ours I’ve already checked the boxes for, wellness visits for all five of us! Complete with full work ups to measure each of our vitamin levels and identify deficiencies and any areas of concern/interest. Establishing goals based on what each of our individual body needs, I’m excited about laying down a foundation of wellness that they can carry on for generations.

But, for now… we just move!!!

With all the love,


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